Driver Theory Test: 5 Reasons why Students Fail the Theory Test

Before applying for a Driver Learner Permit in Ireland, you must pass your Driver Theory Test. This means that everyone who intends to be a certified driver must register for the Test in one of the many Theory Test Centres in Ireland. It is widely understood that it is only for people who want to get a driver's license in a relevant category, but it is something that anyone who wants to be certified to drive must go through.

Before students are allowed to enter a vehicle to drive, they must pass a 40 Question Theory Test and prove that they know all aspects of the Rules of the Road. The pass rate has dropped slightly over the past few years, with many saying examinations are becoming increasingly difficult with more questions and signs being applied to the overall question bank.The Theory Test has more multiple answer questions now than it did when it was first introduced. It can be difficult for some students, and they may find themselves returning to this test repeatedly, unless you have the right study material. will 100% help with this.

Understand Why People Fail

One of the best ways to ensure that you pass your driving theory test is to understand the most common reasons for failing a test. But you will be amazed at how many students stumble over the same mistakes. To help you do your best for the first time, here are five common reasons why students fail their Theory  Tests.

Unexpected Questions

In many cases, taking a mock/practice test before a real exam can help you pass the test. If you take the test without knowing what kind of questions to expect, you will probably be caught out on the type of questions being asked. Fortunately or unfortunately there are many free resources available to help you to prepare before the exam but some are not up-to-date, , others may include outdated questions or information. Some Driving Theory and Practice Tests found online may not relate to Ireland, but may come from another country where the Rules of the Road, fines, penalties, road markings, etc. are different, such as the UK.


Students who fail to start studying early enough, won't complete the necessary study material in good time. Cramming is a term used when a person tries to move a large amount of information on his or her mind in a short time. When the memory is overcrowded, too much detail may be overlooked or overshadowed, leading to difficulty retrieving the relevant facts when needed. This means points will be lost or questions missed. You also need to allow enough time for unforeseen circumstances or unexpected difficulties which may arise and which may come between your and your study time. Students tend to think that they will just look over a week or a few days before the actual exam, but remember there are around 800 questions in the system so seeing these and understanding these take time and patience.

Anxious  & Stressed

Everyone gets test anxiety. It is normal if you are going to take a test. The problem comes when you allow yourself to become overly anxious and fail to get enough rest before the test. Anxiety can make it challenging to think through questions logically and this can lead to poor performance. If you have studied and given enough hours to your learning then, like any exam, you will feel better prepared psychologically and will be calmer going into the exam. Knowing you are unprepared or insufficiently prepared will greatly add to the stress of the day.

Unanswered Questions

Some students will encounter a question they cannot answer and, instead of making their own best guess and giving themselves a chance to correct it, they will simply skip the question and not answer it. Although this alone is not the reason why students fail their test, it is a contributing factor that can lead to failure if a learner skips too many questions or misses a certain number before the exam finishes.

Complex Questions Read Slowly

It is extremely common for test-takers to fail an exam because they underestimate how difficult the questions will be. The best and most recommended way to avoid this is to study everything that has the potential to be on a test so that no crucial information is missed or avoided. The best way to prevent a test result is to be more complicated than you would think you would know less than you actually know. Some questions are similar and if you read too fast and try and rush you will get caught out. There is loads of time so don't rush to finish quickly. Read the questions a few times. If you still don't know the answer then flag it and go back to it at the end.

The conclusion

Now that you have five mistakes in mind, you should have a good idea of what to do and what to avoid. Although there may be various possible causes, many candidates fail the Theory Test because they arrive for their exam unprepared.

Like anything in life you want to achieve, to pass the Theory Test for the first time, preparation is the key to success. Even before you start looking for the right dates for your exam, we strongly recommend that you get the review items and learn more.

Second, it is also vital that you prepare your ID before your test date. The only ID and passport that will be accepted to sit the Driver Theory Test is the Public Services Card (PSC),  so it is crucial to plan to have it before contacting the Theory Test Centre online for an appointment.

As with any test, it is a good idea to sleep well at night on the day before the test, make sure you are not hungry or too full after a big meal, and do not overdo it by drinking too much coffee beforehand. Bring a water bottle with you.

Arrive 15 minutes early and make sure you have your ID and test details. You will register for the test first, and know that all personal items, such as your phone and wallet, will need to be kept in a secure area for the duration of the test.

Good luck to anyone sitting their Theory Test.